As a local I regularly drove past the Miss Fit girls running up and down Old Cleveland Road and have to admit I found the girl group training thing fairly intimidating and not for me.
More recently my Sister encouraged me to try Miss Fit after she completed a 12 Week Challenge and achieved her personal fitness goals of losing weight and toning. I didn’t want to lose a lot of weight but I struggled to maintain any muscle tone and my strength and endurance during exercise was sadly lacking.
So after a phone call to Kate AKA Miss Fit who enthusiastically talked me through the benefits of the ‘Challenge’ I signed up. We began with a ‘weigh in’ session which was a great opportunity to meet the other girls doing the Challenge. At the end of week one I can honestly wondered what I had gotten myself into! It was tough and in the early weeks I was totally exhausted after the classes I was able to fit into my busy life schedule.
The classes were super organised and explained clearly before you begin –I had done some boxing but never participated in classes that are so varied and have such a level of enthusiasm. I felt encouraged and motivated during every session and I was able to set the pace that I was able to manage without feeling pressured to keep up with girls half my age!
The good news is I did stick with it and as promised by the wonderful team of ladies including Kate, Leesa and Tannis who support you through the Challenge, it did start to get easier and my confidence in my own ability increased with every session. At the end of my 12 week journey aside from the physical rewards of increased body muscle, weight loss and improved skin tone, I have met an amazing group of women of all ages and fitness levels who are friendly and encouraging and have an infectious enthusiasm for getting fit. I am continuing to train with Miss Fit and loving it. – Alison
