This article intrigued me. I found I could relate to what this fellow mother was talking about on so many levels. Motherhood is hard enough without negative comments being thrown into the mix!


“Say goodbye to THAT. You’ll never look that good again after having kids.”

What a loaded Statement!

My response to this is as follows:
Thank you for inspiring me to prove you wrong! Not only will I have created, carried and raised another precious human being, but I have done it twice. In My mind I look better. Why? Physically my body is a temple. It is strong! It has taken me to a level I never knew possible and Has Motivated to take others to that same level!

I am blown away daily with the transformations of mothers that train with me. They have taken this gift of motherhood and the strengths it has provided them to create a new body! A body that they never expected they could have! They are fit! They are strong! Yes they may have stretch marks, they may have a different shape to what they once had but this does not stop them! They are beautiful! They refuse to live in the past, as in their past, they had not yet created their future…Their Children.

So thank you to anyone who says these comments to me!
No, I am not my past. I am my PRESENT and I am MY FUTURE, and for this I am THANKFUL.